Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Don't Even Like Easter

Look what I got in the mail today! Pictures of my sister and I from Halloween when we were oh so small! Since Easter blows, I am just going to pretend like it's Halloween again!

Happy Hallowieners!

Oh yeah and if you look close we are totally wearing press on nails! I was obsessed with press on nails as a kid. I thought only total babes wore press on nails and I was totally right.

I guess it's time to split...

In what has to be the saddest consequence of the recession, the 'world's first and largest' (and probably only) Banana Museum has shut it's doors this month. After going strong for 32 years, it is now on sale for Ebay for a measly $45,000 dollars.

That's a small price to pay for all this...
The museum used to accept donations of anything banana-related, except for 'lewd, crude, or lascivious' objects related to bananas. However, the museum was divided into 'Hard' and 'Soft' rooms, so insert your own joke here.

Luckily, you can still become a member of the International Banana Club, where you can pick your own title such as
C.H.D. (City Hand Director), F.D. (Finger Director). What these titles mean exactly is up to interpretation I guess.

Go Bananas!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sex and the Mexico City

All I do at work is gchat to Lauren about how much we need to go on a vacation. Or debate the merits of outrageously overpriced shoes. Or gossip about people. So basically we are a cyberspace Sex and the City except way poorer and (usually) not wasted on appletinis.
Sex and the Mexico City
Items in this set:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mr. Chilton you will be missed

How did Alex Chilton manage to look so cool throughout his entire life?? He was a total babe when he was 16 in The Box Tops, and managed to maintain his sweet style throughout his entire career. I'm pretty sure I was a mess when I was that young...and will probably not be too cool when I'm old either!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Snow White Was Asking For IT!

When I was in 4th grade my smart friend wrote down a potion to cause ultimate destruction to our classmate. She passed it to me during class and then I got busted. Being that I could barely spell or say most of the chemicals on the list, I got out of it. However, hands down, potions are radical!!

Today I got bored at work so I went and ate an apple in a photobooth at Fisherman's Warf. Unfortunately the apple was not poisoned but the photobooth was! Whoever was in there before me was farting it UP!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sheep, Hot Springs, and AAA

Get ready for 'Strangers with disgusting feet wearing sandals' season...

It finally stopped raining in NYC, so I can wear open-toed shoes for once!
With tights, but still...

My friend Sumer braved the crowds at the last Rachel Comey sample sale and snapped up these beauties for me...after months of suffering in their box, they're finally free to roam the streets.


I own like 10 copies of this 45, because I never want to be without it! Play at least 3 times in a row for the full effect!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

13 going on 30...

I watched The Lover recently, and the girl in the film gave me major hair envy...
I love braids! And they're everywhere right now!

But every time I wear my hair in braids, I feel like a really haggard five year old...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Give me, Give me, Give me!!!


Buy Lisa and I everything from this designer! NOW!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I AM the Mystery called.. NELL

Move over Jodie Foster!

If there is ever a movie that needs to be remade, or a sequel, it's Nell. And I should be cast in the lead! Also is that Meghan in the clouds or Liam Neeson, who knows?!

** Talking to yourself at the bus stop, having a stupid conversation with your co-worker, trying to impress a hottie, here are some great lines from Nell to add to your mix:

Chicka, chicka, chickabee. / T'ee an me an t'ee an me. / Ressa, ressa, ressa me, / Chicka, chicka, chickabee.

Trouble go away at nigh', an' Nell caw Mi'i - an' Nell an' Mi'i - ye', Nell an' Mi'i - like t'ee in the way!

What Auggie Wore...

I would like to say I'm above dressing my dog up in stupid outfits...

but I'm not.