Friday, November 26, 2010

Kauren Kardashian

----- I want to throw a hoarder themed party at YOUR house! -----

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cute Patrol!

Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.

Last Saturday night there was a purple lace thong tacked to my apartment bulletin board. Typically this board displays moving sale signs, and once, a lost AA badge! But Saturday a PURPLE LACE THONG!! All I wonder is who picked up the thong. Picking up a strangers thong is like picking up poop! I proceeded to drink tons of whiskey and rant on about this all night. Somehow this story evolved to the Victoria Secret Pink Collection, to micro needle face rollers, to this text to Lisa: "Hah just triedw to get a cab andw almost got run over. Safestranger,com i guess, e0ven thoughcrazystyle" That makes sense! CUTE!

The next day I was wearing cutoffs and a lady stopped me to say, "Miss u gotta string hangin between your legs.. But I think it's kinda sexy!"

I want to make a sloth backpack, now that would make people vomit with cuteness!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Drinking Makes You Pretty..

The Hills Have Styes

Just a useless collection of amazing quotes, with stills, from The Hills. Now that I have the internet at home I am successfully loosing tons of brain cells by the day. It likes huffing paint electronically!

Botflies are Getting Under MY SKIN!

I may be a total creep but I listened to this story on Radiolab about botflies and whowza! They kind of rule in a disgusting, popping a pimple way!

They are parasites that feed off mammals and occasionally deposit larvae in humans. Once the larvae is deposited they dwell under the skin and feed off your FLESH! ZOMBIE FLIES! The guy on Radiolab said his grew to be the size of an EGG! The only way to kill them is to block their air supply which is a tiny follicle that sticks out of your skin. Rumor has it you can tie a steak to the spot and the botfly will suffocate and burrow it's way out through the steak thinking it is your flesh. RADICAL BADICAL!